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Helen M. Hazi, Ph.D.
Professor Emerita, Educational Leadership Studies

Proposal for Independent Study

As a doctoral student, if you would like to work with me on a special topic, you will need to propose a plan of how we will work together. This proposal will help you stay focussed when working on your own and it also represents our contract. Your proposal should contain the following information: 

I. Title 

II. Rationale: (Why are you doing this project?) 

III. Goals: (What do you hope to accomplish and learn as a result of doing this project or independent study? or What questions will guide your inquiry?) 

IV. Product(s): (What do you want to produce to show evidence of your learning? A document? A concept map? An outline of a workshop or some process?) 

V. Work Plan: (How will you accomplish your goal(s)? What assistance do you want from the instructor? What are timelines for readings, products, and meetings? How will the product be organized? When will it be submitted?) 

VI. Criteria for evaluation: (How will you be evaluated?) 

Please also include student and instructor information as well as the date. 

You will submit this to me ( as a "draft" for discussion. Once we meet, we will finalize this work plan.